Thursday, August 8, 2013

Wednedsay afternoon (second day Rosh Chodesh Elul)...

... we received a special presentation on the גלעד שליט controversy, the camp was divided into 4 groups each group received source material on the topic and each group sent up a representative to deliver their groups source material, followed by a beautiful video on the subject.

Sunday, August 4, 2013

Thursday Chof Hei Av for those...

...who took the מצבע תורה test and scored higher then an 80, received a bonus trip of jeeping and pizza.

This past week during the hype...

...of color war, one of the learning classes had the Zechus of learning how to make a proper קשר (knot) for their תפילין.

This past week we there was a mivtza...

... for all those who came on time to every seder and davening even though there was alot that went on this past week (color war, tubing in the jordan, and much more), and this past friday they were rewarded with a grand banana boating trip in the Kineret.